Introducing Kelly from Toucan Art Factory. Where every item is handmade and spectacular !! From her home in South Australia, Kelly creates jewellery ranging from earrings to necklaces and even rings.
Find out why Kelly started creating and why she is so passionate about the value of handmade.
Tell us about your creations and your handmade process.
I really love things that are a little bit different, a bit quirky, cheeky and unexpected – the kind of stuff you don’t see just anywhere. And I’m not gonna lie, sometimes a little bit of swearing just makes you feel better! So when I first started designing my 'Curse-ive Word' jewellery collection, I realised it was not only satisfying to make, as well as being something which is a bit ‘out there’, it gives people a bit of a laugh, too. I love that!
Environmental sustainability is super important to me, so it makes sense to support this value by incorporating it into my creative work by reusing/repurposing items I find around me, and sourcing supplies that are, or are made from, reclaimed and/or recycled materials whenever possible - including jewellery wire and even my packaging and business cards. This also helps to create awareness of the importance of living more sustainably.
Some of the items I currently repurpose are fabric offcuts, pre-loved clothing and jewellery bits, drink cans, plant fibres and flatware. These items become earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, and occasionally bags or home décor. Even my jewellery cards are stamped by hand and the product description cards are written, printed and cut by me too, for the full handmade experience!
I’m pretty sure I have a design idea in my head at all times, so you never know what might be turned into my next creation!
Tell us a bit about your journey to becoming a handmade artist.
For as long as I can remember I’ve spent my time drawing, making, painting or designing something. I’ve always had my own style and would find it hard to find things I like so I’d just make it. I’m a bit of a greenie, looking out for the environment as much as I can, but I also love the challenge of seeing something and thinking about how it could be re-used, what could be made from it.
Growing up, besides coloured pencils I didn’t have access to much in the way of art supplies, so I would make do with what was around me. As a kid, this would at times get me into trouble, as it would often involve rifling through Dad’s shed for wire, tools and other bits and pieces I probably shouldn’t have been touching.
There was also the time I cut up my bedroom curtains because I 'needed' some fabric to make things with! I love accessories (or body decorations, as I call them), so making jewellery happened naturally.
What is your inspiration or where do you find inspiration?
Inspiration is everywhere. There is colour, shapes, things, energy everywhere around us. Everything from a beach or bush walk to looking around your own living room, down the street, other people’s art, or a spoken thought – anything could potentially create that spark.
I’ve always been someone who would look at something and think 'I could make that', or 'wow, that would look so good as a painting, earrings, ring…' I take A LOT of photos, but usually I just let things I see mash-up with other things in my mind and turn into my own creations.
Where did you learn your craft?
Pretty much everything I do is self-taught. Half the fun is making it up as you go along! My Nanna showed me a few things on the sewing machine when I was a teen, and I did begin to study art and design at school (many years ago) but that only lasted a few weeks as even though I love to learn, school was not for me!
Why is handmade artistry so important to you?
It’s therapy. Excellent for mental health and expression. I am a person who needs a creative outlet. As a maker, you really do put your everything into your creations. They are a little piece of you and they carry that energy, emotion and love that went into making them, which is so lovely to be able to put out there into the world and share with others.
Then of course there’s the business aspect and being able to create and support Australian small businesses, which is important.
Again, I really love things that are a little bit different, a bit quirky, cheeky and unexpected – the kind of stuff you don’t see just anywhere. That’s what you get with handmade artistry.
Kelly is a much loved member of the Madeit Collective, posting regularly in our Facebook Group ~ The Home of Australian Handmade ~ and sharing her new creations as they are released. If you haven't connected with Toucan Art Factory already, make sure you join our FB Group and say hi!