My name is Marceliena and I am the creative behind Birdy and the Boys. I live on a small farm called Hillview, near Nimbin in the beautiful Northern Rivers area of NSW.

I live here with my husband, daughter (our son has flown the coop), two crazy dogs, three fat chickens and a small herd of Square Meaters Cattle.
My sewing room is a wonderful space; I love it. Previously our bedroom, it is now a big, bright and airy studio. Sitting three floors above ground level, its windows open out to the surrounding treetops, giving me a beautiful view and lots of bird-song.
The thing I find most difficult with my handmade process, is photographing my makes. While I take a number of photos inside, I prefer to photograph my items outside. The light is usually so much better, but it is the beautiful backgrounds I can use that I love the most.
A natural setting is inspiring. Our little piece of paradise and my fantastic studio provides the perfect environment for me to do what I love.
I am inspired by fabric & fabric is addictive; I love finding beautiful fabrics because I can imagine them in one of my existing designs or they might even inspire something new.
I really enjoy that a lot of what I sell is for gifts. It is a great source of pride that people think enough of my products that they want to give them to someone special; this keeps me motivated to ensure my product quality is the absolute best. There is also a strong sense of practicality in the things I make. Whether it is makeup pouches, coffee cup cosies, totes or wet bags, it's great to know the products will be part of people's day to day lives.
I also like to make a wide variety of products. I confess I get bored making the same thing over and over. I may spend a week or two concentrating on just wet bags or baby blankets, then I will be onto the next item! I am always thinking about what the next new design will be.
My other great inspiration was my Mum. She is an incredibly beautiful sewer and seamstress. After teaching sewing in high school, she gave lessons in our home. She taught me everything I know, and she continues to be a guiding voice in my head!
My creative side was pushed into the background when I finished high school. Studying at Uni, working long hours and eventually a family, consumed all my time.
I tried my hand at a variety of crafts and often entertained the idea of selling what I made. Fear and self-doubt held me back for a long time, but with the unwavering support of my husband and family, I took the leap in late 2018 and established Birdy and the Boys.
Having a platform that supports Aussie makers and Australian handmade was so important to me. It gives us a voice in a big world. It also means from a very practical point of view, that small sellers like me can minimise the overheads of web design, hosting and maintenance, while still accessing the global marketplace. The platform is so simple and easy to use, professional in appearance and readily accessible to both buyers and sellers. The support provided by the Madeit team is exceptional.
Although Birdy and the Boys only kicked off late in 2018, the journey had a bit of a hiccup mid 2019 while my husband was deployed to the Middle East for most of the year. I was going to throw myself into creating, sewing and hopefully selling, but my body had other ideas. I was diagnosed with cancer.
Thankfully, the treatment proved effective and my body has mostly healed; the joy I found in my studio returned. Now, I spend more time in there than anywhere else!
I love that handmade is personal!
We are in an age where disposable is the norm, as is cheap convenience. Handmade slows us down, whether we are the maker, the giver, or the receiver. Handmade is the giving or receiving of love, thoughtfulness and care.
Welcome to Birdy & The Boys!