Introducing Bec from BeCreates. Where every item is handmade!! Currently travelling Australia, Bec is presently in WA and hand crochets all of her amazing creations in her travels.
Find out why Bec started creating and why she is so passionate about the value of handmade.
Tell us about your creations and your handmade process.
Tell us a bit about your journey to becoming a handmade artist.
I learnt to crochet and knit as a child and I come from a long line of creative women. When my kids were young I made them clothes and accessories. As the kids grew up I had space to start creating more and my creations skewed to eco-friendly options like dishcloths - these were my first product I created and started selling. That was the start of BeCreates back in May 2017 and then I opened my Madeit store in 2018.
What is your inspiration or where do you find inspiration?
My inspiration comes from many sources. I think of an idea or see something I like and set about testing and creating something similar with my own spin on it. Traveling around this amazing country is an endless source of inspiration from the colours to the textures of nature and the landscapes. I also have a great group of friends who often send me ideas!
Where did you learn your craft?
From the amazing creative women in my family. Great nanna, Nan, Mum and Aunties.
Why is handmade artistry so important to you?
Creativity is in my genes and it continuously feels so important to keep the legacy of this alive.
Handmade and particularly Australian handmade is a vital component of many small businesses and engages many creatives in communities and groups both locally and online.

Bec is a much loved member of the Madeit Collective, posting regularly in our Facebook Group ~ The Ultimate Artisan Gift Destination ~ and sharing her new creations as they are released. If you haven't connected with BeCreates already, make sure you join our FB Group and say hi!